
Jul 8


Anduro's Experience at Consensus 2024

Consensus 2024 was an exhilarating experience for the Anduro team. The outcomes exceeded our expectations, paving the way for exciting developments in our pipeline

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Consensus 2024 was an exhilarating experience for the Anduro team. The outcomes exceeded our expectations, paving the way for exciting developments in our pipeline. The atmosphere was electric, with a palpable sense of excitement about the future of crypto. The conference showcased many emerging technologies, and we connected with several top industry players.

Solidifying Strategic Partnerships

One of our primary goals at Consensus 2024 was to validate our hypotheses around use cases on Anduro’s Bitcoin sidechains. We engaged with experts in RWA tokenization, payments, and enterprise blockchain solutions. The discussions reaffirmed our belief in the transformative potential of bringing high-potential blockchain apps to Bitcoin. The real world demands credibility, resilience, and ease of access – all core priorities of Anduro-built Bitcoin infrastructure.

Consensus 2024 also allowed us to solidify relationships for our ongoing app pilots. Many such efforts will be announced over the next few months.

Side Event with Horizen Labs

One of the highlights of our Consensus 2024 experience was co-hosting an extraordinary side event with Horizen Labs. The event focused on the intersection of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs and Bitcoin sidechains, attracting a diverse audience of enthusiasts and experts alike. The discussions were intellectually stimulating, shedding light on innovative approaches and potential applications of ZK technology within the Bitcoin framework. While we are thrilled by the apps that are being piloted to accelerate Bitcoin adoption, we are equally enthusiastic about the infrastructure our team contributes to grow the scale of Bitcoin.

Looking Ahead

Our time at Consensus 2024 reinforced our commitment to bringing Anduro to market in a meaningful way. We are looking to empower Bitcoin to solve large scale technology problems.

We extend our heartfelt thank you to the organizers of Consensus 2024, Horizen Labs, and all the incredible individuals we had the pleasure of interacting with. The future of blockchain is bright, and Anduro is proud to be at the forefront of this exciting revolution.

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